Saturday, September 27, 2014

Luck of the Irish

I am knocking on wood as I write this and definitely am not looking the gift horse in the mouth. But I just have to tell you how lucky I have been since arriving in Ireland. As you know my mom and I had a lot of rain on our London adventure, but since I arrived in Cork almost a month ago I have only seen two days of rain. One of which was the typical downpour I had been expecting and the other just a light drizzle. And I know that before I know it I will probably be writing a post about how it has rained about as long as Noah's experience on the ark. So I am relishing the sunshine or even gray but not rain clouds while I can.
Just my view on the way to practice
Besides brilliant weather, I have also been lucky with my courses. I was accepted placement into the twenty person class Rome and Ireland's History that is taking a trip to Rome at the end of the semester! And my geology professor was nice enough to let me switch labs so that I don't have any classes on Fridays--which means time to study (says mom) and time to travel (says me). Plus how many people can say that one of their geology professors makes a joke about you being a "Rock Musician" during a lab and then proceeds to recommend a jazz clarinetist. Check out Acker Bilk--English clarinetist and is currently on repeat in my playlists.

I've also now gotten into the swing of my schedule and have been able to participate in quite a few society/club events. I wore blue last Monday as part of UCC Cancer Society's Blue September Campaign that looks to bring awareness to the campus about male cancer. I went and watched Mrs. Doubtfire with the mental health society, watched an open mic night featuring the music department of UCC, drank tea and played Taboo with the Hot Beverages Appreciation Society, and went on a five hour hike with the mountaineering club last Sunday and hope to repeat it tomorrow.

Lough Coumshinguan, Co. Waterford

May the luck of the Irish please continue and if they wouldn't mind sending that pot of gold too; groceries are kinda expensive...

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