Converse College's 2014-2015 OL Student Coordinator challenged the entire student body (current and future) to a photo challenge that consisted of eleven days to get pumped about move-in day. So even though I won't be participating in move-in day for incoming students or upperclassmen this year since I will be studying abroad, I figured I would still show my school spirit.
Day one is Selfie in SOAP shirt (SOAP=Summer Orientation and Advising Program)
Day two is a pic of what you bought for your room
(I know this fudging it because I didn't buy it, but after three years how much more can I buy for a college dorm?)
Day three is a pic of school supplies
Day four is pic of something I did this summer
(made flashcards of and attempted to relearn brass fingerings)#musiceducationprobs
Day five is a pic of what you'll miss most about home
(too many things and people to post in one picture--they clearly didn't see my #ALLTHEFEELS post when they chose this)
Day six is a pic of your favorite movie
Day seven is a pic of your favorite snack
Day eight is a pic of your OOTD representing Red Devil/Pink Panther Pride
Day nine is Selfie while packing
Day ten is a pic of packing up the car
And day eleven is a pic once you finally arrive on campus
Converse forever!
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