Friday, July 19, 2013

Willkommen nach Deutschland

By far one of the most exciting things that happened this past school year was that I traveled to Germany for eleven days to perform in a Bach music festival. And can I just say how beautiful Germany and all of its people are. My friend Kathleen and I stayed with a host family in Achern, Germany. The Wossner's are some of the most loving people I have ever met. Mr. Wossner took the entire trip off from his work as a pediatrician so that he could travel with us on our day trips. Mrs. Wossner was a terrific host and a librarian in their town. And Sarah Kate, their daughter, became our guide to the teen life in Germany. How many people can say they went to a teen club and listened to boys rap in German?
Mrs. Beate, Sarah Kate, Kathleen, and I after our final performance

Mr. Markus, Kathleen, myself and Mrs. Beate on a hike
I cannot thank the SOA faculty enough for giving me this opportunity. I have made life long friends and had performance opportunities not many others have had the chance to do. This trip definitely bit me with the travel bug. I hope to return to Germany and visit Sarah while she is at school. I will also be going to Argentina for two weeks in January 2014.

Some advice:If you ever have the chance to travel, do it! And stay with a host family, they will become a family away from home.

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