Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Love/Hate Relationship

   Talking about Taylor Casey made me realize I could probably write two or three or twenty posts about model league. I promise I won't though, especially because it would be a lot of ranting.
   Let me begin by saying it is most definitely a love/hate relationship. So if you hear me rant about it and ask "why do it?" The answer is because even with all the stress and anger that often comes with it I love debating and I love the girls. But what Model League is, is a debate team where we simulate the Arab League and NATO. Every team represents a different country and each delegate or pair researches specific topics that their committee will then discuss and write resolutions on. So in case you couldn't guess that means conferences are made up of primarily men and politics majors. I am always the minority in some way.
   And let me tell you something about being a woman at these conferences: MEN HATE LOSING TO WOMEN!!!! Even with the sometimes apparent prejudices most people are willing to work with you if you are interested and know what's up.
  So that was the bad but here is the good. The girls on our team and many of the people at the conferences have become very dear friends of mine. My senior partner, Amber, and my junior partner, Taylor, have become sisters. I also have become so much more confident in my abilities of persuasion and public speaking. And who doesn't want to meet diplomats from Oman, Luxembourg, France, etc?

If you asked me if you should join a debate team my answer would automatically be yes, but be prepared to feel hurt and angry. You will also feel like a more affluent person in your knowledge on world views.

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