Friday, January 8, 2016

It's A Brand New Year!

So like every new year, I have made some new years resolutions. However, I'm never very good at keeping them. I usually make it to the end of January and then fall off the bandwagon. I'm probably not alone in this, but this year I would like it to be different. I want to push myself to have to stick with my new years resolutions.

My roommate and best friend, Jessica, and I are keeping each other accountable. (fingers crossed)

1. Get in shape--work out at least 30 minutes a day at least 6 days a week.

With not having lesson planned for this first week back from Christmas break before Christmas, I spent almost every waking hour January 1st through the 3rd lesson planning or packing. Then Jessica and I were so exhausted from our first days back that we did slack off and not exercise. However, the past three evenings we have either run on the elliptical or powerwalked through our neighborhood while listening to hiking/backpacking podcasts.

I really have to recommend "The First 40 Miles."

2. Eat healthier.

This one, we also have not been doing the best on starting this resolution. And in our defense, we haven't been grocery shopping since moving back into our apartment. So we've been surviving on whatever is still good in our fridge or pantry or going out to eat (I know not the healthy option). But I have tried to watch how much I eat during the day and tried to avoid candy and soda for the most part.

3. Spend one weekend per month out of the apartment.

One of Jessica and mine's favorite weekend activities is to sit on our couch and watch rom-coms while "lesson planning." However, it's not very social or active. So to force us out of our routine and comfort zone we have to find something to do out of our apartment, excluding going home to visit family.

4. Get in the dating game.

I have been single for basically forever. Just kidding. I did have a boyfriend way back in high school. But it's basically been 5 years since I've been on a date, and dates in high school are not the same as when you are older. Most kids aren't thinking of whether this person could be there for the long run. Most kids think in the here and now mentality. By forcing myself to get out of my comfort zone and talk to new people, I'm bettering myself and also ensuring my mother that I won't end up an old unwed maid with seven dogs because I'm allergic to cats.

5. Staying clean and organized in the classroom.

Teaching over 600 kids means I deal with a lot of copies of sheet music and often a lot of graded papers. And this fall I did not do a good job putting stuff away immediately when I finished using it or grading it. So instead, I had this ginormous mountain of papers on my back table in my classroom. I was actually very embarrassed.

6. Travel A LOT!!

Pretty self-explanatory.

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