When you take middle schoolers to Atlanta and they count the tubas under the bus only to realize two were left in South Carolina.
When the people above your apartment decide to move furniture at 12:30AM the night before your job interview.
When you say "I don't have anything else to do" and then somebody reminds you that you actually do.
When you have your last orchestra and wind ensemble as an undergrad and you don't know how to feel.
When your middle schoolers give you their piano music less than a week before the performance and it's NOT easy.
When your model league team-given award is "Best Dressed in Class and Sass."
When the food is so good at your professors' houses for the Progressive Dinner.
When you survive the Praxis music test at 8:00am Monday morning.
When it's a free bar at the Senior BBQ.
But then girls take it too far. (This is supposed to be a classy event people!)
When highschoolers cat call at you from their mini van.
When graduation rehearsal takes two hours, and you haven't eaten all day.
When they sat the chocolate cake on your table before the entrée came at the candlelight dinner.
When everybody starts crying and toasting their best friends at the end of dinner, and you feel like you're the only one not crying.
When you have to say goodbye to the middle schoolers you now love!
Putting your gown on for the first time at the Baccalaureate service.
Picture time, picture time, picture time.
What it's like drinking mimosas the morning of graduation with the roommates.
When you realize this is the last time you'll be in your apartment.
When you hold your diploma at graduation!!
When your Little surprises you after graduation.
Still can't believe I'm done at Converse College. But I can't wait to see what this upcoming year has in store, whether it be graduate school or a teaching job.
love always,
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