I graduated from Converse College and yet ended back on its lovely campus two weeks later to spend the majority of my summer break completing a special education practicum. The Washington Center in Greenville, South Carolina, provides a summer school program for special needs students who are in need of year round services. I worked with three inspiring ladies and a class of eight students ages seven to ten and was in a state of constant exhaustion yet loved every minute of it.
Considering I spent my first summer as a college graduate completing a teaching class and interviewing for teaching jobs across the state, it should have come as no surprise when I decided to accept a teaching position for fall 2015 rather than pursuing graduate school.
Come August 1, I moved into an apartment in Florence, South Carolina, with two dear friends and fellow music educators and began my career. To say I was lucky enough to get my dream job of an already established middle school band program would have been a lie. However, what I did get was something completely and unexpectedly perfect. I am now the teacher at a 3rd through 5th grade school, as well as a 4k through eighth grade school--general music, chorus, and band all in one. Or I guess two if we are being technical.
Had anyone from Dr. Foy's elementary music class known that I had not only willingly accepted but wished and prayed to be offered this job, they probably would have thought I had officially lost my mind. To say that I was the worst in the class when teaching elementary music lessons would have been an understatement. I was awkward, rarely successful in teaching my concept, and dreaded with a burning passion the days I had to teach that class. I had decided any younger than sixth grade was definitely not for me. Yet as fate often does, I ended up interviewing with two principals at elementary schools and fell in love.
So far, I have started the process of building a brand new band program for my fifth through eighth grade students at one school, completed four separate winter programs which included all different music plus three guitar ensembles consisting of 66 students. I sent 16 students to the district honor choir and had over 200 students audition for our brand new school honor choir.
Even though I'm sure I'll be just as stressed this coming January, I look forward to more exciting things with my students. If you are interested in keeping updated on my teaching, head to my other blog: