Tuesday, January 14, 2014

All These Little Things

So before I jet off to Argentina on Wednesday, I thought I would do a fun post. I'm going to try to think of twenty little things or facts about me that many people might not know. This might be difficult for me, because I'm usually quite awful at the question "tell me something no one else knows about you." I usually just sit there in silence thinking that I am pretty open book.

One: I have a legitimate fear of sticking my hand in an oven.

Two: I can't fall asleep with any doors open in the bedroom.

Three: One cup of tea a day minimum policy.

Four: Clutter stresses me out!! (my eye literally starts to twitch)

Five: I love writing and receiving hand-written letters...such a lost art form

Six: I have always wanted a Ford Woodie

Seven:Socks are the bane of my existence. I don't care how cold my feet are.

Eight: It is such a struggle to wear my hair down all day.

Nine: Life goal = own a blazer in every color

Ten: As of last year, I became obsessed with avocado. Yummy :)

Eleven: Can the cape remain a fashion trend forever?? Love

Twelve: Sushi is great but I'm allergic to soy sauce...which can cause some problems

Thirteen: I hate using umbrellas. I'd rather wear a rain jacket, any day.

Fourteen: It's not spicy until my nose is running, in my opinion.

Fifteen: The first thing I learned in ASL was "Lions, Tigers, and Bears: Oh My!"

Sixteen: "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein makes me cry

Seventeen: I walk around my house singing the "Star Spangled Banner" when no one is home

Eighteen: I love watching marathons of Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives

Nineteen: I have never broken a bone--but if it can be sprained or pulled, I've probably done it.

Twenty: When I hear music (any kind) I choreograph a dance to it.

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