Sunday, November 16, 2014


If I had to go to some ______ Anonymous meeting, Pinterest addiction could very easily be one of those. But what first got me hooked on Pinterest was the wealth of quotes I could find. While I now use Pinterest almost like a Google search box and have far too many boards for my own good, it is still looking at quotes that I can waste the most amount of my time doing.

Here are some of my most recent favorites:

A good and helpful approach. Our bodies are enough. #freespo #BodyPositive #BodyImage
This quote has been on my mind a lot the past few days. I don't want to say that how I feel is any different from a great number of people, men and women included. But to be honest, there are very few days I look in the mirror and think "yeah I look good." I joke and say that the opening of Princess Diaries where Anne Hathaway looks in the mirror and says "this is as good as it's gonna get," are my good days. And I don't want anyone to read this and feel bad for me, but this quote helps me conquer those bad days. Even though I am personally far too young to start having children, knowing that I want to set a good example of positive body image for my future children helps push some of the negative comments away.
This is so relevant to my life right now and has been a true life lesson. I used to feel that my life was often boring and wondered why I didn't feel compelled to do a lot of the things many college students do. Now, I haven't been going crazy while in Ireland but going to pubs and clubs is a huge part of the culture and I have partaken in going with some girlfriends for a fun night out. And as much fun as I have dancing and laughing the night away, I cannot wait to get back to my life of scheduled pin time with my best friend. I'm sure I will do a whole post about what this trip has taught me, and number one is I am content with how I choose to live my life.
Anyone else out there make a list of everything you want to accomplish that day and then have no motivation to do it. This then causes you to mentally beat yourself up about how useless you were that day. Well, I do! I say this because it is true and I say it often, quite often to my academic advisors and college friends who think my schedule is insane, but I honestly enjoy being busy. If I don't have things penciled into my schedule I don't know what to do with myself. Circa freshmen Jan term--one class from 10am to 12pm and that was it. Way too much free time. But every once in a while I do enjoy those days where I do absolutely nothing...well, until about 10pm where I realize that I did absolutely nothing. So thank you Pinterest for sharing a quote that tells me it is okay to have days where I just breathe and that's it.
 And to end on a humorous note:
That's his fuel
 love always,

Thursday, November 6, 2014

On My Radar

I wanted to write a post that gives an insight into what has been on my radar in terms of news articles, music, tv, etc. as of recent. While most of my time recently has been spent practicing clarinet or Uilleann pipes or writing essays, here are some things that have been occupying my fried brain during my work breaks.

First off, I have to post a link to this awesome blog Converse College Admission shared on Facebook. Not only is there a short piece about a mother and daughter alumni duo from Converse that were representatives for the university at a college fair, but the whole blog is dedicated to the advantages of women's colleges.

Another article that literally hits close to home is about the top 10 non-touristy attractions in Myrtle Beach. During our many breaks from working, my roommate Rebecca and I like to find articles or quizzes about our respective home towns and accents. I was one of the first people she had met with a southern accent and she is my first Geordie speaking friend.

For the next thing that has been on my radar for a couple weeks, I have to explain that I am one of those people that can and cannot work in silence. Some noises like people talking or pen clicking really distract me, but at the same time I have found studying in a library is too quite. So a lot of time I will work/study while listening to music. And what has been playing through my headphones has been the awesome group Booka Brass Band. I even got to see these guys live during the Cork Guinness Jazz Festival.

I'm going to leave you all with that awesome video and the two links to check out in your free time. Also, 45 days left until my return to the states!! I can't believe it

love always,